Read the conversation below:


Mr. Taylor: “We need someone qualified and smart to direct the department. Do you have any suggestions?”


Mr. Garner: “I recommend Ms. Randell. She has experience and she is _________ in the group.”


The form that completes the sentence is:

as intelligent as

more intelligent than

the least intelligent

the most intelligent


According the studies of the comparative adjectives, the alternative that completes the sentence below is:


“In my opinion, Neymar is _____________ than Ronaldinho.”


more great

more good



Read about Peter and Michael talking about their new neighborhood.


                                              (Choice for Teens – CD de atividades do professor – Richmond)


Read and write T (true) or F (false).

I-   (   ) There are no shopping malls in their neighborhood.

II-  (   ) There are great stores near their house.

III- (  ) Michael is not interested in playing soccer.

IV- (   ) There is a supermarket in front of the drugstore.

V-  (   ) Their school is near a beautiful park.


The correct sequence is:

F – T – F – T – T

T – T – F – T – T


F – F – T – T – T

T – T – F – F – F

T – F – T – F – F

Complete each sentence with a form of verb there to be

I- ______________ any eggs?

II- ______________ anything to eat? I´m starving!

III- ______________ fresh vegetables in this salad.

IV- As you are on a diet, ______________ no sugar in this dessert.

V- What _____________ to eat? I´m in the mood for Italian food.


The correct sequence is:

There are – There is – There are – there is – there is

Are there – Are there – There are – there are – is there

Are there – Is there – There are – there is – is there

Is there – Is there – Are there – there is – there is 

Is there – Is there – Are there – is there – is there 

Complete each sentence or question with the correct form of there is or there are.


(1) _______________ anything in the fridge?

(2) I hope _______________ no chocolate in this cake. I’m allergic.

(3) _______________ eggs in the fridge. We can’t make an omelette.

(4) I don’t think ____________ any vegetables on the menu.

(5) _______________ too much sugar in this coffee.


The correct sequence is:

There is – there are – There are – there is – There are

Is there – there are – There are – there are – There is

Are there – there aren’t – There are – there are – There is

Are there – there is – There aren’t – there are – There are

Is there – there is – There aren’t – there are – There is

Read the news and answer the question.


                                             Interesting Word


Young man from São Paulo Outskirts makes violins out of used wood


David Souza Rocha lives in the outskirts of São Paulo. He studies at a regular school in the evening. Every afternoon, he goes to Tide Setubal Foundation, a cultural center in São Miguel Paulista.

 At the Foundation, David takes a luthiery course: he learns how to make and repair some musical instruments.

Sometimes, David walks around garbage sites or along the Tietê river looking for old wardrobes, old tables and boxes. He collects them and makes musical instruments out of the used wood.

He works as a monitor at the Foundation and is learning how to play the violin, too. David likes music and wants to be a good musician. “I have a dream”, he says. “I want to play in an orchestra at Sala São Paulo.”

He points to a violin and completes, “I want to play this violin at Sala São Paulo”.


(Based on: ; www.fundacaotidedesetubal.org.br>;http://news.ukmsn.com>. Accessed on: April 3, 2015)


According to the text, write T (true) or F (false).


1-  (    ) David doesn’t live in São Paulo.

2-  (    ) He doesn’t study.

3-  (    ) He studies and works.

4-  (    ) He uses wood to make old tables.

5-  (    ) He makes instruments out of used wood.


The correct sequence is:

F – F – T – F – T

T – T – F – F – T

F – T – T – T – T

T – F – T – F – F

F – F – F – T – T

Read the paragraph and check the correct answer according to the text.


Anette and Mieko are very good friends. They are also neighbors. They go to the same school, and they are classmates in English class. Miss Park is their English teacher. Every day they go to school together. After school, they go home and talk about their other friends at school. Then they do their homework. Next year, after they finish school, they’re going to study at the university. They want to be nurses. Maybe they can be colleagues, too!


Read the sentences and write T (true) or F (false).


I- Miss Park and Mieko go to school together. (    )

II- Anette is Mieko’s teacher. (    )

III- Miss Park and Mieko aren’t friends. (    )

IV- After school, Anette and Mieko do their homework. (    )


The correct sequence is:

F – F – T – T

F – F – F – T 

T – F – T – F 

T – T – T – F 

F – T – F – F

De acordo com seus estudos sobre o inglês instrumental, uma determinada palavra pode ser a chave para a compreensão de um texto. Ela é chamada de key-word (palavra-chave). Entretanto, há palavras que podem ser consideradas geradoras de questões. São vocábulos que proporcionam antíteses, concordâncias, exclusões, trocadilhos, etc. A habilidade em reconhecê-las só é adquirida com a prática. Observe o parágrafo abaixo:


The old pink-cheeked man said to the scared children: “You can visit any of the rooms of my castle. However, keep away from the one which has a black door. Not even try to come near it. WARN YOU! Everything is free for visitation but that room!”


Na frase “Everything is free for visitation but that room!” , a palavra “but”  significa que “Tudo pode ser visitado ________________ aquele quarto”.




ao menos


Read the newsletter. Then read the sentences and write the name of the girls according to the text.


                                   Meet your neighbors


Meet Jessica and Allison Parker. They’re sisters, but they’re very different. Jessica is an artist. She likes things with colors. Her clothes have a lot of red, yellow and orange. Jessica likes to go to plays and parties with her friends.

Allison is a banker. She has a lot of black, blue and gray suits for her job. There aren’t a lot of colors in her house. On weekends, Allison likes to go to the park or a museum, and at night she goes to a movie or a concert.’

On Sundays mornings, the sisters meet at a restaurant to have breakfast together. They’re different, but they are good friends.

                                                     (Top Notch – Fundamentals – Pearson, Longman)


I- She likes the park and the movies. ( _______________ )

II- She likes a lot of colors. ( _____________ )

III- She goes to a restaurant on Sundays. ( ________________ )

IV- She likes blue and black clothes. ( ______________ )


The correct sequence is:


Allison – Jessica and Allison – Jessica – Allison 

Jessica and Allison – Jessica – Jessica – Jessica

Allison – Allison – Jessica and Allison – Jessica

Jessica – Allison – Allison – Jessica and Allison

Allison – Jessica – Jessica and Allison – Allison

Match the responses to the correct questions.


(   ) “How often do you travel abroad?”

(   ) “When does Kathy start school?”

(   ) “Where does Pam live?”

(   ) “What is Olivia doing?”

(   ) “Who´s cooking dinner?” 


I) Hellen and Fanny.

II) Once a year.

III) Making a sandwich.

IV) On Tuesday.

V) In Miami.


The sequence of the answers is:

II – IV – V – I – III

V – II – IV – III – I

II – IV – V – III – I

V – IV – II – III – I

IV – II – V – III – I